Stonewall Riots Anniversary


Jun 28 2025


All of the day

Ben and The Biggus Bunch remember and honour the Stonewall Riots.

On June 28th, 1969, after years of police raids targeting LGBTQ+ bars and other establishments, a commonplace raid on The Stonewall Inn in NYC turned into a riot for queer rights. The six day riot that followed took the battle for queer rights into mainstream awareness and served as a lightning rod for the movement now known as Pride.

Artist and activist Marsha P. Johnson, a Black transgender woman, is said to have thrown the first brick in the Stonewall Riots. The queer community has been, and will always be, one of diversity, celebration, and activism.

The first Pride was a riot. Today we remember and celebrate that history.

Event is happening in:

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Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Dec 31 1969 - Jun 28 2025
  • Time: All Day

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